Discover how Christian Life Coaching and daily affirmations can transform the way you think and speak to yourself and others.
Daily Affirmations: Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart
“Jesus meek and humble of heart…make my heart like unto Thine,” begins by pondering the words of our Lord to the Egyptians mentioned in Jeremiah 7, “Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in all the ways I command you, that it may go well with you.”
Daily Affirmations: Take Every Thought Captive
On Periscope each morning, we’re talking about our thoughts, scripture and daily affirmations like, “I take every thought captive.”
My Favorite New Daily Affirmation
I’ve written many, many times over the years about daily affirmations—you can read them here. I have a new favorite…
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Daily Affirmations and the Feast of the Sacred Heart
The Sacred Heart promises also make amazing daily affirmations–“He WILL bring peace to my family and comfort me in ALL my afflictions.”
Daily Affirmations: It’s Gonna be Alright
Sometimes our daily affirmations are not “Rah! Rah!” take on the world. Sometimes they’re a quiet, “It’s gonna be alright” And that’s enough. I’ve had to remind myself of this lately.