Hi there and welcome to The Littlest Way. I’m Jenny and I appreciate your visit. You must be new to The Littlest Way so let me show you around. The Littlest Way is to encourage and equip women to find their value in Christ through Daily Affirmations, Inspiring Bible Quotes, and Book Club Time.
I have a heart for helping women who are struggling with their minds and hearts. I did. Still do occasionally. It was hard–really hard. It was scary–really scary. And I felt all alone. I suffered with thoughts, fears and anxieties that you just don’t go around talking about. And to this day certain things can give me a scare unless I quickly get my mind and heart in the right place. One of the techniques, one of the tools I used and still do when those scary thoughts and feelings start creeping in is to speak life to myself–about myself.
This practice of speaking life into myself is my Daily Affirmations and Daily Gratitude Affirmations. Here are a couple examples with accompanying printables: Daily Affirmations for Wives and Daily Affirmations for Self Esteem.
Another helpful tool I use to keep myself or get myself back to a good place is Inspiring Bible Quotes. These Bible Quotes become my battle cry in the midst of battle and my motto to carry with me everyday. They can bring my heart and mind back to God and help me look away from the lies I can be so easily tempted with.
I am a “word girl” and I especially love words that carry or convey a truth that expand my mind and heart. What better time or place for a word lover to spend than in The Word. Here’s a good place to start if you want to meditate on Bible Quotes, Bedtime Bible Quotes. That post has a printable to go along with it–perfect for hanging on your bathroom mirror, putting on your night stand or framing for your child’s room.
I also have a series called “Book Club Time.” I have a lot of books. Dare I whisper too many? I have books just waiting to be read. In an effort to keep myself accountable to myself and encourage myself to read all these wonderful books, I take notes when I read them and share those notes with you.
Speaking of books, I compiled a book to help parents and children use the Word of God in their daily lives. The Catholic Child’s Teaching Bible is a valuable resource to help parents correct and instruct using the Scriptures. Children and parents can also use the book to find Scripture verses on topics such as anger, fear and worry, gossip, patience and trust. There is also an apologetics section.
One of my new devotional habits is Bible Journaling. I have made it a priority to follow a One Year Bible Reading Plan and practice the art of Bible journaling. I will be using this NRSV Notetaker’s Journaling Bible.
*August 17, 2016 Update: I’ve written a book, Bible Journaling Tips, Inspiration and Permission, to encourage and inspire you in your Bible journaling!
And for the less formal side of me, I post a weekly Daybook Online Journal. These posts help me keep track of the days that seem long and the years which turn out to be very short. I write about whatever happens to be going on from what I’m praying about, reading, eating or listening to.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. EMAIL ME
P.S.–Here’s where you can find me around the web:
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