Today, let’s consider Daily Affirmations for Self Esteem. If you wander around The Littlest Way, you’ll see I am a firm believer that what we say or think about ourselves, affects who we are for the positive–helping us to lead a joy filled life, or for the negative–causing us to lead discouraged lives. These thoughts and words we say or think daily about ourselves, they are our daily affirmations. An affirmation is defined as the truth of something, so our daily affirmations are the daily defined truths about ourselves. So what is your truth? What do you tell yourself, about yourself, daily?
Daily Affirmations for Self Esteem
An official definition of self esteem is, “Self-esteem describes a person’s overall sense of self-worth or personal value.” But how do we judge or measure self-worth or personal value? What is the criteria for a good self-worth or bad personal value? We could list any number of principles couldn’t we…the car we drive, the area we live, the man we married, the clothes we wear, the music we listen to (or don’t listen to), the food we eat, the amount of exercise (or lack of), our friends, our credit limit…I mean it’s endless! And temporary…and vague…and subjective.
[Tweet “Do we really want to base our value on criteria that is always subject to change?”]
That’s like building the foundation of our home on sand, or worse, water! I would prefer to build on stone…even better, a corner stone. Doesn’t it seem right that we would want to define ourselves on something immovable and unchangeable?
So our daily affirmations, the truths about ourselves, need to be based on something–Someone–other than self, self perception, and the word’s quasi definition of truth.
[Tweet “Who we are in Christ is the truth of who we really are.”]
Hang this printable list of Daily Affirmations for Self Esteem where you can see it Read these daily affirmations out loud to yourself to remind yourself who you really are. The world tries to tell us different. Let the truth about ourselves come from the Creator of the world, not the world. We are not of this world anyway, so don’t let it define who or what you are.
Each day there is more encouragement and even some laughs over on my Facebook page. Head over and “Like” me there for more.
Holly says
Last night I was beating myself up (again) for not spending time in prayer and instead on Pinterest. That’s where I happened across one of your posts on a daily examine with children. I loved the idea because it was so positive and decided to browse your site. So, maybe I didn’t reflect and pray the way I thought I ought, but your blog is JUST WHAT I NEED right now. God has been taking me down the dark path of self revelation and my life is full of negative thinking. I’v often ignored the positive thinking stuff, but now I must humble myself and allow God to show me how to make new grooves in my thinking in order to stop trudging through life. I need to choose joy and I want the fullness of life that Jesus came to give to me.
I’m so glad the Holy Spirit led me to you and I look forward to browsing your site.
Jenny says
Thanks be to God I happened to be on the computer right now! Your kind comment has made my day! Remember, the dark path of self revelation is not a lonely path–He is with you! He is in front of you protecting you and beside you encouraging you.
Tolu says
Dear I have being going through this process a couple of months now but thank God it’s getting better. God is taking you through this for a purpose and you will come out better and stronger. Tho I am looking up affirmation for my kids but being negative is something I have struggled with until now , I definately need this to. Cheers on our journey to positive thinking and thanks to Jenny for reminding me not to base my hope on things that are subject to change.
Julie @ says
Thanks for linking up to Fellowship Fridays, Jenny! This is such a great post and an awesome printable! Thank you for the idea to hang it up in the bathroom for my daughters to see. 🙂
Jenny says
You are welcome Julie. Even if they “look” at it, they see it and that’s enough. I love having this reminder for them.
Katie says
Great post! It really encouraged me to read through these! Thank you!
Jenny says
I’m so glad you enjoyed them Katie. They are powerful because His Word is powerful!
Stefanie @ says
This is exactly why I need a printer! I love this! I am pinning for later 🙂 So important to remind ourselves of these truths.
Jenny says
Be sure to come back and get these Stefanie. We have similar ones I made hanging on our bathroom mirrors. I want my teen daughters to see these, whether they realize they are seeing them or not. These affirmations will come back into their mind when most needed.
Beth says
Yes! I agree that thinking about who I am in Christ each day is so crucial to my outlook throughout my day, Jenny. Just last week I neglected to do this for a stretch of several days and found myself feeling more irritable and insecure. It’s a must-do for my daily routines! I think this may be my first time to visit your blog, my friend. Nice to meet ya!
Jenny says
Hi Beth. It is so easy to slip into the bad habit if wrong thinking. I need these reminders front and center!
Joan says
Thanks for the printable, Jenny! This is all so true! Our self-worth needs to be based on Truth…and Truth with a capital “T”! I love that you wrote that it shouldn’t be based on things that change. What if we based our self-worth on our age? Our beauty? Our jobs? None of those things last forever. But, our God does! He is never changing and we are His!
Blessings, Joan
Jenny says
I loved that inspiration that our worth needs to be based on the unchangeable God.
Terri Presser says
thanks for such an inspiring post. Blessings to you.
Jenny says
Thanks for the visit Terri. I look forward to seeing more of you here.
Lina says
I love these! What wonderful reminders – I absolutely need to see these truths everyday. We are nothing without Christ, but so much with Him! Thank you for sharing these and for the wonderful printable!
Lysha says
“Do we really want to base our value on criteria that is always subject to change?” Such a powerful question!!
Angela Pea says
Hmmm….I know you’re madly in love with the Mister, but all things through him?
Running and Ducking for cover….
Jenny says
OH.MY.GOODNESS Angela! Off to fix that ASAP.
Karen says
I like how you use the metaphor to “building the foundation of our home on sand, or worse, water!” Great post! I love the printable too.
katie says
I so love this!! This would be an awesome printable to add to an office space. Thanks for this encouraging post! It was truly inspiring!
Jenny says
Hi Katie. I went back in and added the printable instructions. Enjoy and share!
Jennifer says
I love reading your blog posts! They always encourage and inspire me. Sometimes it is hard to go through daily life and keep things in focus and reading your blog posts help me find that focus again! Keep up the good work!