Everything is Grace Sunday Sermon and this one is about two of my favorite subjects in the spiritual life, our thoughts and lectio divina.
6 Things to Do When the Enemy is Prowling
When the enemy is prowling, looking to devour, do you know what to do to fight and win? Hezekiah did these 6 things and won without ever even going into battle.
Daily Affirmations: Jesus Meek and Humble of Heart
“Jesus meek and humble of heart…make my heart like unto Thine,” begins by pondering the words of our Lord to the Egyptians mentioned in Jeremiah 7, “Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people. Walk in all the ways I command you, that it may go well with you.”
Daily Affirmations: Take Every Thought Captive
On Periscope each morning, we’re talking about our thoughts, scripture and daily affirmations like, “I take every thought captive.”
Bible Quotes About God’s Word
If triumph over sin, vice, and death is possible through penance and obedience to God’s Word…I probably need to know some of God’s Word huh? Not only do I need to be familiar with Who God is, I also need to know what He says. The enemy certainly knows the scriptures–he used them to try to tempt Jesus.
Being Compassionate and Curious with Ourselves
I am a word person so last night after I got home from the gym–also known as gym therapy. I…
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