So what does the Bible say about our thoughts? Does the Bible even care about what we are thinking about? Do we even care? We should.
Daily Affirmations and the Feast of the Sacred Heart
The Sacred Heart promises also make amazing daily affirmations–“He WILL bring peace to my family and comfort me in ALL my afflictions.”
Book Club Time: Books for Lent
I’m sharing some of my favorite books for Lent and ask you to share yours. And then pray I already own it so I won’t be tempted to buy it.
The Book That is Wrecking Me Right Now
The book that is wrecking me right now was recommended by a friend, who hasn’t even read it yet and I’m only 20 pages in and already writing a post!
Inspiring Bible Quotes: John 4:15
When I am just DONE, with life I need to saturate myself with inspiring Bible quotes. Let’s look at one of them today, Inspiring Bible Quotes: John 4:15
Book Notes: Thirsting for Prayer
These Book Notes are taken from the book, Thirsting for Prayer, by Jacques Philippe. I consider him to be one of the greatest spiritual writers of our time. If questions about prayer dog you, today’s Book Notes and this book will calm you. And I think you’ll be surprised at some of the prayer advice.