If triumph over sin, vice, and death is possible through penance and obedience to God’s Word…I probably need to know some of God’s Word huh? Not only do I need to be familiar with Who God is, I also need to know what He says. The enemy certainly knows the scriptures–he used them to try to tempt Jesus.
Bible Quotes: Gratitude in the Bible
In considering Bible Quotes about Gratitude I quote from Fr John Hardon, “There are three words I would like to leave with you of how we should show our gratitude to God. They are thanks-thinking, thanks-saying, and thanks-giving.”
The Truth About Me and Bible Quotes
I’m laying it all out today. I share the moment my anxiety got out of hand and how I found healing in part, through Bible quotes.
Bible Quotes: Courage in the Bible
If courage is willing to take risks for Jesus Christ, let me encourage you that you don’t have to be thrown to the lions like the martyrs of old to be considered courageous. Take your all your kids grocery shopping, say “No” when everyone says “Yes” or “Yes” when everyone says “No.”
Bible Quotes: Patience in the Bible
In Bible quotes About Patience, the light bulbs were firing as I was writing this! I cannot believe the connections the Holy Spirit was making for me!
Inspiring Bible Quotes: John 4:15
When I am just DONE, with life I need to saturate myself with inspiring Bible quotes. Let’s look at one of them today, Inspiring Bible Quotes: John 4:15