The Sacred Heart promises also make amazing daily affirmations–“He WILL bring peace to my family and comfort me in ALL my afflictions.”
Book Club Time: Books for Lent
I’m sharing some of my favorite books for Lent and ask you to share yours. And then pray I already own it so I won’t be tempted to buy it.
Bible Reading with Friends
I’m sharing two options for reading the Bible with friends. And if you’ree wondering if reading with friends is important, the answer is definitely “Yes!”
Bible Journaling as Lectio Divina
Would you be surprised to know Bible Journaling is not a new? It’s actually an ancient form of Lectio Divina. Now, the monks of old didn’t use washi and stickers, but they did spend time creatively and artistically digging deeper into the Word. Find out how to practice lectio divina in your journaling.
You Are Smart Enough
This post is for everyone who is afraid to read their Bible. Afraid you’re not smart enough or won’t understand it. Reading through messages and emails, I pulled out a couple of consistent concerns when it comes to reading our Bible and fear topped the list BY FAR. Who wants you afraid, God or the enemy?
My Favorite Catholic Prayer Books
My sweet Italian friend Madelena asked the other day on Instagram for a prayer book recommendation. Today I’m sharing a few of my favorite prayer books no matter your season in life: harried, bone tired momma who can barely find time to shower to the season in your life when you can sit, read, pray and ponder. My favorites cover all seasons of a mommas life.