Christian Life Coaching combines the wisdom of ancient Scripture, the latest in thought awareness, and neuropsychology to help a coaching client live as the person God created them to be. As a Christian Life Coach, I help my clients reclaim their God-given purpose and passion so they can know, love, serve, and share God in their lives.
This passion to be a Christian Life Coach was ignited years ago when I providentially found a Biblical counselor during a very dark time in my life–although I didn’t realize it was to become a Certified Life Coach; I just knew I had to share what I was learning. The counselor taught me to use the Word of God to take captive my thoughts, make them obedient to Christ, and retrain my mind to think about the good, true, and beautiful. I would come home from those counseling sessions and share what I was learning and all the ways I was healing and growing.
(The Truth About Me and Bible Quotes)
Changing My Thoughts Changed My Life
I intentionally used the word “reclaim” above. You know your God-given calling and purpose, your vocation. You know who you are in the Lord and why you are here…or you did at one time. But this world is noisy and unfriendly and can literally suck the life right out of you and pretty soon, you forget. And if the problem isn’t forgetting, it’s listening to the wrong voices and believing the wrong things.
In Christian Life Coaching I help you remember Who created you and how much God your Father loves you. I remind you of your belovedness. I hold sacred space for you to begin to believe, a loving God created you for an amazing life! I love to see when this realization pierces a client’s tender heart; it is such a profound and beautiful moment to witness in our coaching sessions.
Christian Life Coaching is founded on Biblical principles, commands, and values to guide clients in setting and achieving Christ-centered goals while honoring God in all aspects of life. One of my favorites comes from Philippians 4:8.
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
I have written frequently on the Book of Philippians and Philippians 4:8:
POWERful Bible Journaling: Philippians 1 & 2
POWERful Bible Journaling: Philippians 3 & 4
Inspiring Bible Quotes: Philippians Chapter 1 Worksheet
How to Study the Bible: Philippians 3
Another favorite to reflect and meditate on is 2 Corinthians 10:5
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.
Everything is Grace: Watch Your Thoughts
Daily Affirmations: Take Every Thought Captive
If you ever want to know if God cares about your thoughts, you can do something I did years and years ago when I first started reading my Bible. I grabbed a green highlighter (because to me, green represented a new life and I wanted a new life in my thoughts). Grab a green highlighter and start reading the Book of Proverbs; you could also do this with the Book of Psalms. Every verse I came to that mentioned thoughts or thinking or the mind I highlighted with that green highlighter. You could also do a Topical Bible Study on the mind or your thoughts.
What I Do and Don’t Do in Christian Life Coaching
As a Christian Life Coach, I don’t tell you what to do. The truth is, I don’t know what you should do, but YOU DO! Rather than tell you what you need to do, I help you tap into your inner wisdom, the Holy Spirit living inside you.
I hold sacred, courageous space so you can get to the root cause of your problems–hint, it’s always your thoughts. I believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself. I love you unconditionally and remind you of your belovedness as you gain clarity and purpose in your life.
In my Life Coaching sessions, I frequently ask, “Is that story serving you?” not, “Is that true?” I will also often say, “Tell me more,” or “Why do you think that?”
I am not your advice giver, your best friend, or your counselor. I will not “clutch my pearls” like an old Southern lady as you tell me your story and I won’t jump on the bandwagon or in the pool with you. I will remain slightly skeptical and have a healthy distrust for your story recognizing we are all attached to our painful stories. I will do all of this with the highest regard and utmost compassion for you.
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