How’s that for a title? I have no idea which way is up and whether I’m coming or going. It’s just one of those seasons right now and I keep reminding myself that others have it worse…shoot I could even have it worse than it is.
Your life in Christ makes you strong, and his love comforts you. You have fellowship with the Spirit, and you have kindness and compassion for one another.
†Philippians 1:2 (Good News Translation)
Are you cheerful because you belong to Christ? Does his love comfort you? Is the Holy Spirit your companion? Has Christ been gentle and loving toward you?
†Philippians 1:2 (New International Readers Version)
Is there any encouragement from belonging to Christ? Any comfort from his love? Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic?
†Philippians 1:2 (New Living Translation)
Verse 2 has been rolling around in my head and taking root in my heart.
Have I been seeking my strength from Christ and comfort in His love in this season?
Do I have kindness and compassion on others right now or can I even see beyond my own self?
Am I cheerful because I belong to Christ?
Have I sought or acknowledged the Holy Spirit as my companion?
As I wallow around in stress and distress do I realize how gentle and loving Christ is with me?
Would it scandalize you if I answered “No” to all of those questions I just asked myself?
I’m so glad I undertook this month long reading and re-reading of St Paul’s Letter of Joy…so glad. I know first hand how reading and memorizing the scriptures can change my thinking. When I start flailing around, I forget what I know…you know? God’s providence is so grand that He would have me publicly commit to reading His Word…His joy-filled Word…during a pretty stressful time.
Can I just share with you a lovely gift I received? You know I love my Bible. I love the Word of God, it has repeatedly been my comfort and life line. I also love Blessed Mother Mary and praying the rosary, especially at night as a family. Well, I saw a lovely rosary, “Bread of Life” in Barbara’s etsy shop, Mary Devotions, and loved it instantly. And, I almost can’t wait for my scapular to break; I hope that’s not a sin! But look at her beautiful embroidered scapulars.
I prayed and hoped Barbara would accept my offer to advertise here on The Littlest Way for Catholic Women and on my little sister site, The Littlest Way, and she kindly agreed! Please go visit her beautiful shop dedicated to Blessed Mother.
Her rosaries are some of the prettiest wire wrapped rosaries…and affordable! She considers her etsy shop her apostolate, “Dedicated to creating aids for Devotion to Mary.” Please stop over there and pay Barbara a kind visit. Leave her a message letting her know you appreciate her ad here on The Littlest Way for Catholic Women. And while visiting, remember the month of October–Dedicated to the Most Holy Rosary–is coming up and grab yourself a pretty new one…I’m just sayin’.
No complaining? Huh. No Muttering for sure because it’s annoying to listen to, but no complaining? How else do we identify what needs to be acted upon?
How about “No complaining without stopping to ask God to show us a solution”! Then of course, we have to implement the solution He shows, right? 🙂
Jenny…I agree…it is soooo good to reflect on this letter presently. It is so rich and it’s one that could be read over and over.
This came to me last night: the pure of heart are full of joy; there is no room for discontent.
Let me try that one right? No murmuring…no complaining? Oiy.
LOVE Mary’s shop and I will be ordering a scapular too when mine is about to snap too : )
I think I need a rosary for my niece too. Thanks for sharing.
Read on sister!
Amazing how different those translations can be! Today The Living Translation spoke to me, especially “Any fellowship together in the Spirit? Are your hearts tender and sympathetic?” Today is the first meeting of the year for my local Catholic Women of the Chapel (a military wives fellowship). I only know one of the other women, so i am really praying for tender hearts and good fellowship!