Welcome to my weekly Sunday post, Daybook Online Journal. This is a post where I gather all the ordinary things that happen or are happening in my day to day. Things like what I’m reading or listening to…eating and cleaning and learning…These are the small moments that make up my blessed daily life; and I want to remember them. If you blog, please link up below with your Daybook Online Journalpost. If you don’t have a blog, no worries, just leave your “post” in the comments. You can use my prompts or make up your own to include items important to you; mine change depending on season and circumstance.
Daybook Online Journal: Revelation
This post may contain affiliate links to products I love and recommend.
Thanking God for…
::beautiful weather
::a good friend from Church for Luke to play with
::no soccer this weekend–I love it, but it’s nice to have a break
::quite a few new faces at Mass
::Chris building Anna a tree stand/fort out in the field
I am praying for my children. I am praying for myself as a mother. I am praying for Chris as the spiritual head of our family. I am praying for all the mommas, this parenting is hard–hard–hard.
I’m pondering parenting. It’s been a tricky week. I’m pondering when you just let an offense or two slide because dang if it hasn’t been enough of a battle all week. I’m praying my kids will always just confess the truth on their own–please Lord.
Listening to…
My new washing machine plays a fun little song when the cycle is complete–it makes me happy. I’m also getting ready to start listening to Lent at Ephesus. I also hear 4 wheelers coming and going. Luke and his friend from Church are working on a tree fort out in the field. Leo talked Chris into taking him back them to watch/help/play.
My Bible–The NRSV Notetaker’s Bible
A Father Who Keeps His Promises: God’s Covenant Love in Scripture
Divine Intimacy: Meditations on the Interior Life for Every Day of the Liturgical Year
Bible Journaling…
Not so much Bible Journaling as prayer journaling this week. In conversation with a couple of friends this week, I realized I do not intentionally pray for my children as much as I could or want to. I appreciated this revelation so much. So I’m working on what this new habit of prayer will look like. I have found in my Bible journaling my time in the Word increases when I apply some form of journaling to it. I think the same will hold true for focused prayer for my children. I’m not necessarily thinking of prayer journaling but in using my Bible journaling as the a basis or a jumping off point for my prayer…does that make sense?
Around the House…
So far our new washing machine is awesome! We originally purchased another HE top loader–6 of the 8 loads were unbalanced…UGH! So we returned the machine and Chris bought a front loader. We had one the washer before last and liked it, we just didn’t like the eventual smell from a gross seal. Supposedly they have manufactured a better seal design–we’ll see.
In the Kitchen…
The end of the year I had some medical tests performed due to some abdominal pain. Even though every test has come back perfect, I still have the pain. This weekend I pretty much told God I needed to know what was going on. During Mass today, Chris had this look–he leaned over and whispered, “I know what your problem is. I mean I know what at least one of your problems is.” So after Mass he told me he thought I was becoming lactose intolerant. So I am going to see what I need to avoid for the next couple of weeks to test his theory. Thank goodness I did not grocery shop yet this weekend because this changes how we will eat around here at least for a time. (And how great is it that God used Chris to answer my prayer!)
Our Domestic Church…
This Wednesday Veronica and I will renew our Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary…I need to get some plans in order for the children since Lent is quickly approaching! And Veronica celebrates a birthday!
Saving Money…
Not so much saving money, but we flipped to the last payment page on our house–we’re down to our final 36 payments!!! Our plan, our goal is to pay those 36 payments off in 11 payments.
Here in a couple of weeks GW Boutique (Goodwill) is having their half price sale so the girls and I will meet some friends for shopping. Have you ever shopped the GW Boutique for clothes? I know I used to be a snob about it, but there were these lovely girls from Church always dressed so cute and every time I complimented them, they had gotten their skirts and dresses from Goodwill. I went the first time not expecting much…I was so wrong. Some examples of some awesome finds here and here.
Captured as Chris and I took a much needed walk across the road in the field.
Janis says
So happy to have you visit my blog and learn about the SIMPLE Method of Bible study. I do hope you share what you learn. What a great blog and a great way of setting up your thoughts. I do believe we have to be specific and intentional about the prayers for our children. I know I don’t do it often enough.
I had allergies to foods as well. I thought I had them figured out but when I started the no sugar and no grains – what a difference. I had no sugar and no wheat for years, but eliminating all grains made a big difference. Watch Fed Up the movie 2014, with Katie Kouric – eye opening for sure. Now we eat only real foods, no packages and my hubby and I feel great (he has lost over 30 pounds with never a day feeling hungry ). We watch GMO as well as trying to buy farm fresh everything we can.
Blessings and looking forward to getting to know you more,
Jenny says
Thanks for the visit Janis. I’m still mulling around what and how the specific prayers will be. I’m sure I’ll share on the blog once God and I figure it out!
Barbara says
What a revelation your husband had in church!
Thanks for the reminder about Lent at Ephesus! And the only thing I ever find worth buying at Goodwill is men’s shirts. My sons go through them like mad! The girls’ clothes around here are pretty well worn out!
Jenny says
Oh too bad about your local Goodwill not having great women’s clothes. I never find any good kids clothes–wait, once I found a really pretty Hannah Anderson dress. But the women’s skirts especially are awesome around here.
Monika says
I love Goodwill! And Divine Intimacy. My husband gave it to me for my birthday this past summer. I didn’t realize that the non-revised version was available in paperback.
Jenny says
I really want a leather (or imitation leather) bound Divine Intimacy. I just like the feel and how the books lay open when they are leather or imitation verse hardback. Thanks for the comment.
Shannon @ Of The Hearth says
Hi Jenny,
Lovely post!
I’m having to change my diet, too, because my infant is having some issues the doctors think are due to dairy and soy allergy. As long as she keeps nursing (and she likely will for a while…she’s just 4 months old), I’m having to change what I eat. As I make these changes I’ll pray for your pain to go away.
Jenny says
Thank you Shannon. I had to eliminate peanut butter and chocolate when nursing my 4th baby. I missed the peanut butter more than the chocolate!
Sarah says
What a cool idea! Love this summary of all the things going on in your life, like a little journal. Thanks for sharing your corner of the world. 🙂
Jenny says
Hi Sarah, I would love for you to join me next week!
Ifeoma Samuel says
Hello Jenny, I see you have a link up here too. That’s great . Do you have a button? This way others can know about your link up.
Thanks for your beautiful comment over at my blog. I am grateful.
Anita Ojeda says
I love these daybook posts :). It’s fun to see little snapshots into other women’s lives. It makes me realize that I have more in common with people than I thought I did :). I hope you continue to figure out your achy abdomen problems–it certainly doesn’t sound like fun :(.
Jenny says
Yes Anita, what a great comment…we do have more in common with most people than we actually think!
Michelle says
How about the sweeteners? Also, I don’t tolerate non-cultured diary as well. I once read that you can add the contents of a probiotic capsule to any that isn’t.
Jenny says
I don’t think it’s sweetener related. I also remembered today, every once in a while Elizabeth Foss will mention getting sores in her mouth when she eats gluten. Well, Sunday after Mass we stopped and brought home some pizza. I didn’t eat any, but I did eat some breadsticks–the first really white bread indulgence in a while. This afternoon I noticed a sore in my mouth.
~Karrilee~ says
I love this and it has reminded me to once again pull out my #1000gifts journal and actually WRITE them down! I am participating in a Negativity Fast/Positivity Feast for Lent this year… (exchanging negative thoughts for positive ones!) God has changed my bent so it’s not a constant struggle – but I think we could all benefit from a little more intentionality in taking every thought captive! Great post!
Jenny says
It is a constant struggle. I have to remind myself I did not get this way overnight and I won’t change it overnight. A couple of years ago as a family we did a “No Complaining Lent.” It was fruitful and eye opening!
Michelle says
How about the sweeteners? Also, I don’t tolerate non-cultured dairy as well. I had heard to add the contents of a probiotic capsule to any that isn’t.
Michelle says
Oops. Sorry for the double comment. I was on my phone and didn’t think it went through. Otherwise, I love my new phone and you’ll be proud that I just earned my first Walmart “savings catcher” of .09! Hey, there will be more.
Jenny says
Now you’ll have to start using Ibotta too!
Sarah says
I am glad you found a washing machine that you like! We do so much laundry; it helps to have tools that are nice to use!
As I read your revelation on praying for your children, I realize that I probably do not pray for mine as specifically as I should. Thanks for sharing this, as it has touched me to re-consider this in my own prayer.
I hope you find what is troubling your stomach … Health issues can be so frustrating! Especially when it’s not as simple as passing/failing a medical test …
Many blessings for your renewal of consecration to Jesus through Mary! <3 Have a blessed week!
Jenny says
Hey Sarah! That praying revelation was actually pretty big. I’m still mulling it around. Let me know what you come up with.
Emily says
So glad you are enjoying your new washer.
And I am unsure I am looking forward to teens. lol This is me… trying not to panic that it is less than two years away!
Goodwill has boutiques?
I need to get 2nd handing.
Thanks for the reminder. I am going to look them up locally!
Jenny says
No “Boutiques” officially. That’s just what we call them!
Jenny says
The teen years have been tricky. But they have also been delightful. I love laughing and sharing with my girls as young women. My oldest boy is only 11 so we have a couple of years before I experience a teen boy.
Clare says
I think there are times when it is ok to let a few things go…for the sake of something greater – or if I am not in the right kind of space to deal lovingly with them. In my experience the Lord brings back those things that need to be worked on…It seems to me that you are both doing a wonderful job of parenting – with God’s help of course! I hope you are able to find out what is causing the pain very soon…I’ll pray for that…
Jenny says
Thanks for the added prayers Clare. Our Lord is so good…He doesn’t leave us and in the case of parenting as with life, I see the many opportunities He gives me to offer grace and accept grace.