We all know about the Bible. But did you realize there is also The Photography Bible, Cooking with the Bible, The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible, The Original Beauty Bible, The Crochet Bible…you get the point. But guess what there is not–a Facebook Bible. Remember the old Arsenio Hall skit, “Things That Make You Go Hmm?” Does it make you wonder why there is no Facebook Bible? There’s even a Pinterest Marketing Bible and an iPhone case that reads, “Blogging Through the Bible.” But maybe, just maybe, there already is a Facebook Bible, it’s just wrapped to look like the Bible-Bible.
Or maybe the Bible and Facebook are incompatible? Surprisingly…or maybe not…the book of Sirach is filled with wise counsel for Facebook users.
I used to have a Facebook page for my blog. And then I decided I no longer wanted to be a part of Facebook. I found some of their policies offensive…actually many of their policies offensive to my Christian beliefs. So I closed my blog page but left my unused, personal account open so I could get coupons and recipes from a couple of sites. And in these few months that my blog has sat dormant on Facebook, I realized my leaving Facebook did nothing to them. They could literally care less. But in leaving, I took my Christian presence and although limited, my Christian voice, with me.
So I’ve reopened the Facebook page for The Littlest Way. My goals are simple, be a light, spread the truth and beauty found in Christ, and offer encouragement in a place that sometimes seems discouraging. A shameless plug, if you are on Facebook, a “Like” to my page would be appreciated. Obviously Facebook is a numbers game and the more “Likes” means the more opportunity to spread the Good News.
Although the writers of the Bible could never have imagined a place such as Facebook, they wrote the rules for such a place. The Bible is full of teaching on how to use and when to use our words. Sit down some time today with a highlighter and read a chapter of Sirach, or Proverbs and start highlighting every reference to our mouths or our words.
I chose green a couple of years ago to highlight passages of scripture that spoke about our mouths or our words. I chose green because to me green symbolizes life and I want my words to be a source of life, not only to others, but to myself as well. I am still surprised to this day to flip through my Bible and see all the green highlights.
I’m blogging for 31 Days reading the book of Sirach
Hi Jenny,
This is a very nice post. I really like your take on the Biblical applications to Facebook. Who would have thunk it. Keep up the good work.