My daily gratitude affirmations will serve as the truth in my life; a life that can get cloudy in sticky floors, wet dogs, tired toddlers, cranky teens and stressed husbands. Suddenly, the beauty of the truth gets mixed up with the messy of the hard. But when I pause, and look back with the intention of separating the grace from the mess…I find the gratitude.
Gratitude Affirmations: In the Backyard
531. opening the first bottle of bubbles for the year
532. Leo talking Chris into pushing him on the swing
533. kids playing the board game they created and designed, “Narnia-opoly”
534. Bible journaling: “Be content with little or much,” (Sirach 29:23)
535. Chris and Luke pruning our fruit trees
Narniaopoly–love it! Thanks for the reminder to be thankful for all our blessings!
How beautiful…Thank you for your sharing…It’s great to be reminded to give thanks in our own “backyard”…There is so much to be grateful for in my daily life…
I love it! Thanks for sharing, it’s so fun to see! Ahh you make me looooong for spring! We’re sitting in the middle of yet another snow storm… thank you for reminding me that there is hope! Spring is coming! <3
My husband and I were talking last night how we could probably live somewhere with 70’s year round. May a little rain here and there, a couple days of 50’s and 80’s for variety!
We had the same exact conversation yesterday!
I love this! I recently was reading in 2 Timothy and found “ungrateful” there as a description of the unrighteous. I’ve been searching for ways to demonstrate gratitude and found your pictures delightful.
Thank you so much Helene. There was a time when I needed my camera to help me see the grace, the things to be grateful for around me. It then just became a habit with or without my camera. I realize now sometimes though if I’m struggling with gratitude, I need to pick up my camera.
Thank you for reminding me of the wonderful little things that fill my life with joy.
I love it when God opens my eyes to see the beauty and joy!