We’ve considered before what the Bible says about our thoughts. We talked about how we..We…are in control of our thought life. We may not be in control of whatever pops into our head, but we are in control of what we do with that thought. We can dismiss it, consider it and maybe even speak it. And what we speak to ourselves, about ourselves, become our daily affirmations.
Did I just throw you for a loop there? Are you wondering why I’m talking daily affirmations right in the middle of a 31 Day series on reading the book of Sirach? We are going to talk about daily affirmations because the book of Sirach talks about daily affirmations.
[Tweet “Do you realize part of who you are depends on who or what you think you are and say you are?”]
I wonder, when does it happen? When do we go from thinking we are a super hero or a beautiful princess to thinking we are fat, ugly, stupid, weak, dumb, scared, poor…When do we start believing and speaking lies about ourselves?
Do you know what? We were created to be none of those lies listed above. Each one of us, was created in the image and likeness of God. {†Genesis 1:26-27} Those self defeating and negative affirmations are something learned…not earned or born with.
So where do we learn this junk? You can figure that one out yourself…stop–look–listen…music, magazines, media, society at large. But why? Why do we pick these negative affirmations up and carry them? Why do they become a part of us?
Let me ask another question…How effective can be, to achieve the life we want to live, if we wake up already defeated? We will not enjoy mothering if we think we are a bad mother. We will not enjoy marriage if we think we married a bad husband. We will not cook a nice meal if we think we are a bad cook. And so our life just becomes this vacuum of negative affirmations, poor self image and ineffective living.
We were made to thrive! So let’s get to it.
Let’s talk about where and how we can unlearn and repair the damage these negative affirmations have caused. Let’s get on with some joyful living. Let’s be effective wives, mothers, teachers and ditch the dark cloud monkey on our back we carry around like a dear old friend.
You know the saying we have to “fight fire with fire?” Same principle. Negative affirmations are defeated and kicked to the proverbial curb by positive affirmations. Let’s practice…
Negative: I’m no good at…
Positive: I am so thankful I have the ability to learn new things. I may not have it done perfectly yet, but I will get there. Practice makes progress.
Negative: I’m fat…
Positive: My body is an amazing creation. I may not be happy with how it looks right now, but that does not change how awesome it is. My brain, heart and lungs all work together to keep me alive without me ever giving a second thought to it. If I don’t like something, I’m alive and can change it, and I want to change it. I want to be the best me!
Negative: I’m stupid…
Positive: My mind is the most intricate of all creation. More powerful than any computer and smarter than any “smart phone.” In it originates my thoughts and feeling. I have the ability to change what I say about myself and I refuse to speak negative words about myself anymore!
Those example are the drawn out version of positive affirmations. But you know what, let’s skip the convincing. Sometimes convincing ourselves or others is just engaging in hand to hand combat. We don’t have to convince or justify…we just need to start speaking the truth to ourselves.
Do you know one of the best places to find the truth? The scriptures. If you do not have the time, place or resources to join a Bible study, create your own online Bible study. Surround yourself with the truth. Find it in books, online, outside in nature.
When we start ignoring and blocking the negative influences, we have to fill that void with something; we have to fill that void with positive affirmations…with the truth. Search out the scriptures search out the truths that tell you who you are in Christ; that fill you with the good, true and beautiful.
Let me give you an example I learned from The 4:8 Principle: The Secret to a Joy-Filled Life. A few years ago , when I was struggling with my own negative self talk, I began to bless my children before bed each night with these words taken from the book; “You are a beautiful, wonderful, child of God and dad and mom love you, always and forever, no matter what.” Lovely huh?
Do you need those words? Absolutely! Start saying them to yourself every morning. Look yourself in the mirror and repeat…”I am a beautiful, wonderful, child of God and He loves me, always and forever, no matter what.”
Now that is a positive affirmation to start your day with! Go out in love and power. Be an effective…whatever it is you are.
**Positively Perfect timing. Go read Tommy Newberry’s latest Blog Post–The Addiction of Negativity. Here’s a quote from Tommy, “To stay positive, you need positive thoughts, positive people and positive exposures of every kind.” I think he should put me on the payroll or send me out on the speaking loop what about you? And here’s a link to his bestseller, The 4:8 Principle: The Secret to a Joy-Filled Life.
Can you recommend some online bible studies?
Mine, lol!
I just found you when I was googling catholic affirmations! Wow! I’ve printed out your affirmations so I can see them every time I start working in my home office and will have it on my phone as a screen saver. Your explanation as to where we get these negative affirmations, the dark cloud—so relevant to what I have been struggling with. I am ready to fill my mind with positive affirmations, overcome the negative, and the biggest liar – FEAR! Thank you, these truths are extremely helpful and help me to remain strong today.
Yay! I am so happy God led you here!! Yes, we have to keep filling our minds with the truth of God so there’s no room for the lies of the enemy.
Beautiful truth here Thank you . I screened printed I am a beautiful wonderful child of God ‘s ………
I will put this on my mirror and by my night stand.
” Thank you , for telling us the truth !”
Thank you Christine for taking the time to encourage me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Thanks for sharing this awesome blog! A wonderful way to start each day speaking positive to ourselves. Thanks and God bless!
You are very welcome Christine. I am thankful I learned this so I can teach my children while they are young…hoping to avoid at least some of the pitfalls mom had to go through.
Love this. Very encouraging!
I read this quote from Thoreau and IMMEDIATELY thought about 4:8 Principle and about this lovely group!
<blockquote cite="As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.
Henry David Thoreau"
Yes! Yes! Yes! That has been scientifically proven even. Great quote.
I’ve been wondering what you thought about The 4:8 Principle?
I love this post! You have really hit the nail on the head here!!
Thanks Jennifer. It is so important the things we allow to roam around our mind and then fall out of our mouths.
Oh Jenny, I love this post. thank you for the reminder that our thoughts become our words and our words lead us to who we are.
Glad you liked it Barbara.