When I used to hear the quote from St. Therese, “Everything is Grace,” I thought of fat little angels playing harps, cotton ball clouds slowly drifting by and green meadows with no weeds but a perfect scattering of wildflowers with a clear, fresh stream running through it. But the other day while reading Divine Intimacy: Meditations on the Interior Life for Every Day of the Liturgical Year, I realized my saccharine scene was not only gross, but all wrong.
Everything is Grace
In Divine Intimacy, right after the “Everything is Grace” quote it states, “…everything is the result of His infinite love.” Really? Then I beg to ask, why do mommas die and babies suffer and hardworking men get laid off?
“If He permits sorrow, interior or exterior trials, personal or public vicissitudes, it is only to draw out of them some greater good. Virtue and goodness are strengthened in time of difficulty.”
—Divine Intimacy
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I’ve mentioned before here at The Littlest Way and on my older blogs, I suffered with my mind. And I shake it off now and say, “Oh but at least…” or “I know others suffer more.” Sometimes I wonder if I can only say that now because I’m not in the deep, deep, dark pit. It was a terrible suffering; a flat out crushing cross and I don’t ever want to revisit that place or time in my life again. But it was worth it–strangely and said hesitantly.
When one of my children come to me struggling with fear or scrupulosity–and they all have at certain growth spurts, it makes my neck stiffen and the hairs on my head bristle. And almost immediately, my heart softens because I know. Oh I know, how I know…and along with a mother’s words of comfort, I can give them instruction–first hand knowledge, not something read or heard, but lived. And I can plant my feet and my prayers as any momma bear would and use similar words of Christ, “Get behind them Satan!”
And when one of you reach out and up through a darkness that is so scary and has such a stranglehold on you that even if you got over the trepidation of sharing your innermost fears, you wouldn’t even know what to say or how to say it for fear of how it would be–how you would be, seen. Honestly, my first reaction is to look away, close the email before it can spark those memories. My memories of that awful time are deep, but not so deep they cannot be stirred up again and sometimes rather easily. But I don’t look away because I know, how I know…and the courage it took for you to email me–I know that too. And my heart softens and I put you on my prayer list and I pray because sometimes you just can’t pray for yourself down in that place.
And the first thing I’m going to tell you…You are courageous! You are so much stronger than this thing that is strangling the very life and light out of you. Do you know why?
The very fact that this darkness tried to force you into silence and you reached out to someone to quietly whisper, “Help.” You are not rolling over and letting this thing win. You are proclaiming–affirming what God wills for you, as Jacques states in his book, Interior Freedom, “Live! I want you to Live! Here is the first and the most fundamental call to us from God.”
[Tweet “Live! I want you to Live! Here is the first and the most fundamental call to us from God.”]
Everything is Grace!” That phrase doesn’t mean everything is perfect or easy. It means we can have confidence in God–even when and especially if we don’t feel like it. I heard someone say once, if we really trust in God, if we have faith in Him, we need to ask ourselves this one simple question, “What am I worried about?” I agree it is a simple question, but not an easy one.
I’m learning God’s love and concern for us is not determined by how much we feel it or don’t feel it. As a matter of fact, in my morning prayers, I reaffirm to myself my feelings have nothing to do with my relationship with God. This is why I believe daily affirmations are so important–they are statements of truth and that truth doesn’t change because our feelings do…but that truth can change our feelings.
So, “Everything is Grace.” Let that be our morning prayer, our motto for the day, our battle cry as the day drags long, and our bedtime affirmation. A constant reminder on our lips, in our heart, and embedded deep within our minds.
1. Grace Washi Tape
2. Grace Planner Stickers
3. Grace Journal
4. Fire and Grace Tumbler
Michelle says
I love, love this post. Please allow me to prove one of your points. I was blessed to participate in “Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak”. It is composed of 70 of us who volunteered to answer 8 questions posed and edited by Leila Miller. We all opted for anonymity out of respect and/or fear. The fruits from this book have been miraculous. Marriages are healing, children (both young and old) are healing and making sense of their struggles. Even homewreckers and abandoners are seeing the err of their ways. My own family has reaped untold and long needed healing. The whole idea that “Kids are resilient.” and “If the parents are happy, the children will be.” have been debunked. (save for abuse, of course)
Recently, it was featured, along with Leila, on At Home With Jim & Joy on EWTN. I’ll admit, I was secretly hoping that Jim might read something from one of my writings, but honestly thought that there were so many other authors who were able to articulate so much better than I. He never did read from it, but he did use an analogy and it happened to be mine! It was like an arrow of love and validation shot straight from Heaven into my lonely and broken heart.
Sorry this is long, but it’s to say what came to me in the following moments. If I were to go back to that time (14-15 yrs-old) and God were to ask me, “Michelle, I know this will be a tragedy for you and your family (however dysfunctional, it was mine) and it will leave your heart and life as you know it broken into pieces. Sin will abound and you will struggle for many, many years to recover and it will even affect your own children. But, at the appointed time, I will use it to heal countless marriages and hearts all over the world. Are you willing? What would I have said?
“We are well aware that God works with those who love him, those who have been called in accordance with his purpose, and turns everything to their good.” Romans 8:28
Jenny says
Such a beautiful example Michelle. Thank you for sharing.
Mandy says
I look forward to all of your beautiful posts! Thank you!
Carmel says
You are such a beautiful writer, Jenny!
Jenny says
Thank you Carmel. Thank you for the reminder to revisit these words.
Clare says
This is so beautiful – thank you…
Jenny says
Ah, you are welcome Clare. A broken beautiful huh?
Candace says
Oh this post is beautiful. Wish I could sit and have a coffee date with you. Thanks for including me as well.
Jenny says
Of course I gladly included you Candace. You know the struggle and the power of God’s Word to fight the battle.
Joanne Viola says
I love the quote you shared from Divine Intimacy. I’m writing it down in my journal to remember. “Virtue & goodness are strengthened in times of difficulty.” Wonderful reminder that He always has purpose in it all. Grateful we were neighbors this morning at Thought Provoking Thurs. Blessings!
Jenny says
Revisiting this old post of mine and these are the words I needed to say to myself this afternoon.
Susan says
I, too, love this post. It showed up when I did a Google search on “everything is grace.” I love how the Holy Spirit works through the internet! Can you tell me exactly where in Divine Intimacy your quote is from? I have the book and would love to meditate on the full entry. Thank you and God bless!