Welcome to How to Live the Little Way. A weekly post here at The Littlest Way where I gather all the ordinary things that happen or are happening in my day to day. Things like what I’m reading or listening to, eating, cleaning, and learning. These are the small moments that make up my blessed daily life and I want to remember them. My prompts may change depending on season and circumstance.
* I’ve written an ebook to guide you through the whys and hows to get started with Bible Journaling, Bible Journaling Tips, Inspiration and Permission, and to encourage and inspire you in your Bible journaling!
Thanking God for…
::the life of my grandma
::my cousin calling to let me know my grandma’s condition
::getting to my grandma in time
::seeing my brother and his family
::my sister’s priest offering 2 Masses for my grandma and having the entire Church kneel down and pray for her
::although a sad time, a funny road trip with my sister
::Veronica asking me to get her for the funeral
::Chris and my children allowing me the time to step away last week to just be a grandchild
I am praying for the soul of my grandma and my grandpa who died three years ago. I am also praying prayers of thanksgiving for all the time I had with them and for their influence in my life.
I am pondering people who lie and deceive. I have a pretty low tolerance for BS (if I may use that term) and now it’s almost non-existent. If I can’t trust you, what is there? Oh and by the way, I know. I can just normally “Bobble head” my way through it.
Listening to…
The washing machine.
The One Year Bible – Catholic: NLT
This is my “quantity” Bible to make sure I get the Word inside me each and every day.
Catholic Journaling Bible
This is my study Bible.
Bible Journaling…
I’m happy to hear so many of you benefitted from my Catholic Bible Journaling Comparision post.
Around the House…
I have this intense desire to purge incredibly ruthlessly. I know in part this is grief. I also know it’s a result of sitting in my grandma’s house looking around at stuff that now someone has to make decisions about.
In the Kitchen…
This past week I just ate whatever, whenever. Time to start thinking about food as nourishment and not just something to grab.
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Self Care
This week it looks like loads of grace easing back into a busy life. I ate terribly and slept even worse all last week–one night only a couple of hours with my head on my grandma’s bed and my body contorted in a lawn chair, so this week is about catching back up.
(I purchase my essential oils from Amazon or Edens Garden instead of a distributor. If you’re not an Amazon Prime member with FREE shipping, Edens Garden has FREE shipping all the time in the US.)
The Littlest Way
A Daybook post from one year ago. Sadly the ring I’m wearing in the picture broke.
Two years ago I was spending the month writing Bible Verses About Patience.
Three years ago I was writing about the Bible as well, this time about memorizing scripture.
Four years ago I wrote a telling post about How to Spot Bravery.
Our Domestic Church…
Today is the Feast of St. Teresa of Avila. Wednesday is the Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque who spread devotion to the Sacred Heart. And Thursday is the Feast of St. Luke.
I told my sister to take a picture of me in front of my grandma’s house. As soon as I sat down on the steps I started bawling my face off…again…for like the 2357th time in three days. My sister started snapping anyway. I’m kind of glad she did.
Eternal rest grant unto Grace Fern Jones Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine on her. May she and all the faithful departed rest in peace. May those that are left behind find joy and solace in their memories. Amen.
Oh Jenny, I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandma. I know how hard it is – my Grandma was like a mother to me. But I’ve surrounded myself with her and Grandpa things and they bring me comfort. Your love for them lives on in you and your children. May Mary’s mantle wrap you in her loving care. Take care of yourself, sweet friend!
I’m glad your sister got that photo of you, to me it shows the depth of the love you have for your Grandma. There is beauty in tears. I loved reading what you wrote about how connected you were (and still are, through her things in your home) to your grandma. I’ve been praying for you and your family. May God bless you with peace and healing. ❤️
Sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your lost. My grandma has been gone 13 years and I still miss her. Praying for you.