Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the priceless gain of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I may have Christ
†Philippians 3:8
Oh my gracious girls. When it rains…it pours…and my trials are so little compared to others…but they are my trials at this present moment.
Week 4 of pneumonia with Luke…Leo now has pneumonia…Maximilian has croup…Veronica has something that causes fever and body aches…my throat is scratchy and hoarse…Bridget has an icky cough…there was a 4 foot long snake crawling up the side of my house by the door…Chris is traveling off and on…my grandma told me last night she has Alzheimers…screeeech! It’s that last one friends that really gets me.
The sleeplessness, the worry over my children, the constant sound of coughing, antibiotics–cough medicine–breathing treatments, all lined up…yeah, a big fat pain–but thanks be to God for modern medicine. But my grandma y’all…I don’t know if she knows Jesus.
St Paul says everything is worthless when compared to the knowledge of Christ. I’m sure he doesn’t mean the kind of knowledge that there was this Guy named Jesus and He lived a long time ago and people sing songs and say prayers about and to Him. St Paul means a knowledge of Christ that makes it all, everything, worth it.
I’ve texted my spiritual father updates from here on the small farm. His last text this morning instructed me to declare a sleep in movie day…and tell the older kids to offer all this up. This knowledge that there was Someone who offered it ALL, His very last breath, up for us, makes these little struggles worth it–still hard–but worth it. And it’s good to know and teach this eternal economy of suffering and offering.
All the other stuff is garbage…it’s useless and worthless and temporary. But this sacrificial love of Christ for me…it’s eternal and profound and more than mere words can express.
It’s a light at the end of a long day spent in the tunnel of life.
It’s a gift that I strive to acknowledge daily and want to offer something back in appreciation.
It’s worth more than anything else ever given or received.
It’s a tender reminder that Someone loves me enough to die for me.
It’s the hope of one day seeing my hero, my Savior, face to face to say “Thank You.”
And to be without that hope and consolation…to know someone without that hope and consolation and not even really know they are missing it…it’s sad. How can a person “press on” without a goal in sight? Or an encouraging Word to help through the tough times? And where is their hope if they don’t know there is something more than “mourning and weeping int his valley of tears?”
He will take these weak mortal bodies of ours and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same mighty power that he will use to conquer everything, everywhere.
†Philippians 3:21
Can you please remember my family right now in your prayers? I’m stretched and worn and worried. And the thought of my grandma coming to a point where she doesn’t know me makes my heart hurt like you don’t know. But more importantly, can you remember my grandma, Grace, and my grandpa, Leo, in your prayers? Our prayer is they come to the knowledge of Christ. He will sustain them and give them rest for their weary souls.
tammy says
You and your family are in our prayers <3
Jenny says
Thanks girl!
Angela Pea says
I can’t phrase it any better than what others have said. You KNOW that I already include you and yours in my prayers…for now I’ll double my efforts and pray for everyone being well and healthy again!
Big hugs!
Kaethe P says
Such a wise spiritual father! And if ypu all fall asleep in front of the tv, so much the better. Prayers and today’s labors offered up on ypur family’s behalf.
Anne says
Yes, Michelle had such beautiful words. You are in my prayers Jenny. I will say the Memorare …my go to prayer in difficult times ….for you this morning. And, if you can steal a little time for yourself…if the big girls can watch the sick children, try and go for a long walk. It always helps.
Jenny says
Thank you Anne. There is no way I could have done or continue without the help of the big girls. They have been incredible helps around here.
Michelle says
Wow Jenny, so many very real struggles. First, I admonish you not to minimize them. Be compassionate toward yourself just as you would be to others. If someone poured their heavy heart out to you, you would not say, “Girl, you need to count your blessings ~ someone out there has it worse.” They’d probably feel angry and invalidated. And there is a difference between complaining and stating a fact. How else would we know how the saints suffered? Who wrote their stories?
You and Chris are so very generous in your “Yes” to God with so many children. However difficult, you know He is sanctifying you through the raising of them. I will say a special prayer for you both.
Yes, I will also pray for your grandparents. Alzheimer’s. Devastating.
And come on, how can a person named Grace and a man named Leo not get into heaven? It will require many prayers and sacrifices and you already have plenty of them.
I honestly don’t know how people live without Him. I guess it’s kind of like, you don’t know know what your missing if you haven’t experienced it in the first place.
I hope my words reflect the care and concern that are on my heart. And, of course, I wish I could bring you all some of my chicken stock.
“but I continue my pursuit in hope that I may possess it, since I have indeed been taken possession of by Christ [Jesus].”
Theresa says
I ditto the absolutely beautiful note Michelle left you! I can’t add more.
You are in my prayers dear sister.
Jenny says
Thank you Theresa. We need them right now.
Jenny says
Thank you Michelle for such a beautiful note. I would gladly take your chicken stock; Veronica, Bridget and myself are now sick! It’s almost comical now. My pediatrician asked if we had forgotten to go to Church or something, lol!