Hey there! Been a while. Life has been one big mess of life right now…traveling husband, sick kids, broken things and schedules that expect me to be in five different places at one time…no joke! And then there’s good ‘ol St Paul telling the Philippians how to do it…this crazy, wild ride we call life.
“Whatever happens my dear brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord. I never get tired of telling you these things, and I do it to safeguard your faith.
†Philippians 3:1
I’ve really been considering that part where he says he keeps telling them to rejoice to safeguard their faith. What do you think he means by that?
I have a couple of ideas, but no time right now. I keep trying to get back here, but I’ve got some really sick little guys. Apparently there is a nasty respiratory virus wrecking havoc in a few states and I’m wondering if maybe that’s we’re dealing with. We are on week four of Luke and pneumonia. At his recheck today I mentioned to the doctor that he was having some noticeable trouble hearing…ear infection! And now Leo…sick. We’re not calling it pneumonia yet, just a very bad case of bronchitis which means antibiotics, cough medicine with codeine and breathing treatments four times a day so we can keep him home. I would guess whatever it is we are fighting is viral because the antibiotics should have already kicked it.
All that to say, I think of you all and our journey to joy this month, even if The Littlest Way for Catholic Women seems a bit quiet.
Judi says
Prayers for you and your family that Luke and Leo get needed rest tonight so you all can do so too! My husband is in the hospital – pneumonia and now diagnosed COPD. Blessings~
Jenny says
Oh that’s hard Judi. Thanks for your prayers and know you have mine in return.
Angela Pea says
ACK!!! Adding my prayers, as well. I hope you all feel better soon.
And yes, I like reading the same chapter every day, too. 🙂
Theresa says
Yes…will be praying…you have so much on your plate right now.
Phillipians is so rich, I am so glad it decided to join you. It’s beautiful to read the same chapter every day for a week.
Blessings ~
Karen says
Many prayers for a quick recovery.
Kaethe P says
Oh, Jenny. Prayers for all of you, especially Luke and Leo, the poor babies. In my family’s experience, sometimes a second round of antibiotics is needed to clear up bronchitis, and the coughing can last six weeks or so. Pneumonia is just that much harder to kick. Good for you about being persistent with doctor’s appointments. Hang in there, honey.