Today we begin the sacred Triduum. Traditionally this day was called “Spy Wednesday” because it was on this Wednesday before the crucifixion that Judas conspired to hand Jesus over to the authorities. Do you know what Judas had the nerve to ask the chief priests, “What will you give me?” Oh girls, Are you ready to be convicted in this Lent Devotional for Women? Good! Let’s go!
Ok, y’all! Those five simple words, “What will you give me?” asked by the traitor Judas was so revealing! And…maybe a little familiar? I wonder how often I (I was going to say “we” but switched to “I”) live with a heart intention, “What will you give me?” And this heart intention could be towards to the world…or God.
And now back to the plural, if we’re married, I wonder how often we approach our spouse with a heart that seeks what they can do for us? Of course, we’ll reciprocate! We’re not awful, selfish partners! (Said tongue in cheek.)
As I write this, I wonder how? How can I be as blind as Judas? And am I as traitorous as Judas? Please Lord, I pray no!
In the traditional readings for today, the Tract is taken from Psalm 102: 2-5, 14, “For my days pass away like smoke, and my bones burn like a furnace.” Almost makes you wonder, “Is it worth it?” If our days are like smoke, what are we so concerned with? Why try so hard? Why even bother? Maybe that’s why we turn on a dime and seek selfishly for our own selves?
If we were only living for this life alone, if we’re only living for ourselves, those questions might be appropriate? But we’re not living only for this world and only for ourselves; this life is not all there is and we’re not the center of it all. And all the people said, “Amen!”
We were not created for earthly treasures moths can destroy. But if we were, Judas would be the guy to follow in the stories of the Gospels right? We know he was the treasurer and might have had sticky fingers? He definitely didn’t like the woman anointing our Lord’s feet with the expensive perfume! He thought the money could have been “used” better somewhere or on someone else.
Funny how easily offended someone gets when someone other than them is on the receiving end of something good.
So, just reading back over those words, I don’t want a heart attitude that lives with demanding hands, wide open, asking of others–God included, “What will you give me?!” I also don’t want a self-seeking heart attitude that is jealous, envious, and living in comparison to others. The solution? Living the exact opposite, at least for one day, then another, and another…
So I’m choosing to live the opposite! And of course, as any good friend, I’m taking you along with me! Today, let’s decide is the day to pour ourselves out for others. Let’s not seek out what we can get today. A few more minutes of sleep in a warm, comfy bed. Our favorite coffee mug. The first, best, last, etc.
Let’s intentionally seek out what we can give. A drink of water to a thirsty toddler? A welcome home hug to a tired man? A listening ear to an emotional teen? Happy mail to a friend? A smile to the grocery store cashier? A place to merge to the car in front of you? A visit to a lonely neighbor? A meal to a new momma? Patience to the telemarketer? (That’s a good read!) A wave in the school pickup line? A “thank you” to our pastor? A “Hi Grandma” phone call? You get the point. Opportunities to pour ourselves out abound in our daily life and almost all of them do not cost a cent.
This morning, write a list of all the opportunities you foresee today to give yourself and then check them off as you do! All the smiles and hearts girls…today is a good day!
Debbi says
Have you heard that Wednesday is also called Silent Wednesday? In the Word Among Us, it says:
This comes from the fact that the Gospels don’t tell us what Jesus was doing on Wednesday of Holy Week. He was “silent” on that day. Some speculate that after journeying to Jerusalem and spending 2 days in disputes with the authorities, Jesus rested on Wednesday with his close friends in Bethany.
Cool, huh? I’ve never heard this before. Always something to learn about our beautiful faith!
Jenny says
So sorry this is such a late response. I have not heard that and I very much appreciate your sharing. I love that our faith is so rich and deep that we will never exhaust the treasure to be found and embraced.
Regina says
There are days, I’m so touched by the things you post I wish I could just reach out and give you a hug and say thank you for thinking of me today. Have a Blessed Wednesday. Regina
Jenny says
Oh thank you Regina. That’s so sweet.