What is it about a “Lenty” Lent? I mean we’re working on this Lent Devotional for Women, we’ve already got our head down, we’re plowing through, just doing the best we can, trying to carry our own crosses, and then it seems like one more thing is added! Or ten more things…
How often is it that “one more…or one last thing” breaks our back like a toppling Jenga tower? Wait.
Did you catch that part about carrying our own crosses?
Let’s check the crosses we’ve got strapped across our hearts. Maybe, the crosses we’re carrying weren’t meant for us? Maybe we picked them up along the way, thinking they were surely the path to holiness! The more crosses the better? The harder the holier right?
Or, maybe those extra crosses are old, but maybe we’re so attached to them, the only way we’ll put them down is if we feel like we’re being crushed under the weight of another, bigger cross. What doesn’t kill us, we keep carrying? Am I preaching to my very own little choir of one?
Girls, I could show you a mini-storage full of crosses I was not meant to carry. But for some dumb reason, in the name of being or becoming more spiritual, I’ve collected crosses of all sizes and shapes. I dutifully keep them under lock and key to be carried by me and me alone!
Lent Devotional for Women
We’ve been working on loving more and better in our Lent Devotional for Women. And then it seems like God steps in and says “Oh really?” You have to read that in the tone intended.
Pretend your child tells you he’s cleaning his room and you walk in to see him lying on his back in the middle of the room. He tells you he was just looking to see if the ceiling needed to be cleaned. And you’d respond, “Oh really?”
Good, now you’ve got the tone. So, God steps into the middle of our Lent and says, “Oh really?”
I’ll be honest, when God shows up with His divine “Oh really?” when my “Lent of love” suddenly, and even daily gets put to the test; I whine and behave badly; remember the Jonah comparison from yesterday? Listen, that whining and bad behavior that would rival a hangry toddler doesn’t make me a fraud or phony; I’m just severely human and extremely normal.
Hi, I’m Jenny and I’m a severely, normal human being, nice to meet you!
Please, do not for one minute think that just because I might have some nice words and pretty pictures here on The Littlest Way I’m exempt from a regretful first response…or second response…or fiftieth response. Ahem…
I’m a wife and momma first and most importantly–well, behind a child of God. Tell me all you wives and mommas, what is the fastest way to “get our dander up?” (I’m not really even sure what that means, my grandma used to say it!)
One of the worst things you can do is mess with a woman’s husband or children. We can take a lot of stuff but set your sights on our husband or children and I guarantee you, that is the beginning of the end for you! Calls to mind a momma bear doesn’t it?
And it seems like more often than not, God is calling us to stretch–love more and better through a situation or circumstance that involves our spouse or children. Ugh and Oof!! Let me make a quick distinction, although we are being called to love more and better, that doesn’t mean we pretend bad things, uncomfortable things, or hurtful things don’t happen.
Also, loving more and better and bigger doesn’t mean we won’t be called to step into situations and be needed to emotionally and spiritually protect and defend our families.
It also doesn’t mean we give a big, fat stick to whoever would like to take a crack at us–figuratively speaking. We can be called strictly to love more and better in our prayers, thoughts, and words without ever being in the presence of hurtful people if we can avoid it. Somebody needs to read that again.
We can step back and pray that God will make our hearts tender and forgiving, and still be wise and circumspect. We can also pray for a holy forgetfulness.
There are times where, for self-preservation: spiritually, physically, mentally, or emotionally, we have to step back, turn and walk away. This should never, ever be done in haste, anger, or spite. This decision should never be made without some serious prayer, reflection, and maybe even some counseling sessions. Never make this decision with a Facebook consensus or group mentality. And there is always the obligation to pray for the person or people we have to walk away from.
Kind of a tough talk here today for our Lent Devotional for Women, but something that needs to be said. Too often we’re forced into unhealthy situations because it’s the “Christian thing to do” even though God never asked us to be someone’s punching bag or scapegoat when it comes at the expense of our very selves or those closest to us.
Essential Oil Notes
This post really spoke to me. We made the decision to step away from my husband’s parents some years ago. It was the right choice given the circumstances. Over time I have begun to pray for them. It is not easy but through these prayers I have found a way to forgive them. I now pray that they may have peace in their lives.
Wow! This is a great read today, Jenny. It is hard to forgive and forget when others hurt us or our family. We must trust God, pray for the person (s), and let God take care of them and us. It really does work, too. I’ve been through difficult times in my life and began praying for the person who hurt me. In time, the bad feelings do go away and you feel love or at least peace in the situation.
I am enjoying your daily posts not just during Lent, but everyday.
God Bless!!
Julie, thank you so much for your lovely insight. And I appreciate the time you took to let me know you are enjoying the posts.
Good one, Jenny! Love holy forgetfulness! I think it is important to realize that some of us do not have family that is “on our side” and honestly can be an occasion of sin! It’s always troublesome when someone thinks being a Christian means you have to put up with toxic people. Wish I could get this column to print out, I would put it permanently in my Bible!!!!!!!
Girl, I hear you and know that I am writing from a place I know all too well. I’ll look into seeing if there’s a way to add a print option to posts. Thanks for the suggestions.
I have been moved by the holy forgetfulness. It’s a new concept for me but so powerful. Thanks for sharing.
AMDG…All for the Glory of God that these words were of some value to you. Thanks for letting me know♥
Beautiful. How’s your Lent going so far? May your faith be strengthened even more.
Hey Lux, how’s yours going in return? Mine got bumpy but I think I’m doing ok. If God is for me, who can be against me right?